2014-10-11 - MCRRC Matthew Henson 5k Race

^z 1st April 2023 at 4:34pm

~3.1 miles @ ~7.6 min/mi

Dance across rainy, slippery boardwalks, and push hard on the hills. The Matthew Henson 5k goes well, with an official result of 48th place of 114 finishers (behind 37 men and 10 women), 2nd of 7 males 60-64 years old, and a gun time 23:10 (average 7:28 min/mi).

My 8-year-old nemesis Jason Parks isn't there to beat me, but I am again just behind Adriana and Brenda, the Rosas sisters (ages 15-16), just as at the 2014-05-26 - MCRRC Memorial Day Race.

Runkeeper records route. Photo by Mark Schadly.

^z - 2014-10-31